New Delhi

King Stubb & Kasiva, Advocates & Attorneys


Primary Contact Rajesh Sivaswamy email phone +91 11 41032969
Secondary Contact Jidesh Kumar email phone +91 11 41032969
Emerging Leader Sindhuja Kashyap email phone +91 87 89285644
Emerging Leader Aurelia Menezes email phone +91 98 80115124

Firm Overview

KSK represents a large number of Indian business houses, multinational corporations, banking & financial institutions, small, medium & large Indian and International companies and start-ups across the country.

Values and Approach:

KSK does not just provide legal expertise, we take a position and provide commercially savvy advice – we partner with our clients to deliver the best business solutions. We do this by knowing their industries, the trends and issues, and their competitors. We aim that interaction between our firm and client involves levels of professional integrity and trust in order to create a relationship that is both personal and professional.At KSK, we have established a client team to ensure that our service is delivered to the most exacting standards.  Clients have constant support from their contact at the firm at any time, day or night, for routine legal matters or intricate issues requiring creative problem-solving. We have 100+ lawyers across six locations across the country. Our lawyers are linked by constant interaction and an electronic infrastructure that allows us to bring the Firm’s wealth of experience and all its resources to meet and assist on clients’ most demanding business and legal issues efficiently.

The prime motive revolving around any business is to reduce expenditure and increase revenue. For us, trust between the clients and the firm is of supreme importance when dealing with legal matters involving confidential business information. King Stubb & Kasiva ensures the delivery of commercially viable solutions as per the needs of the client because we believe that the establishment of mutual trust is the first step towards a relationship that makes way for successful results.

Other Offices:
  • Bangalore, India
  • Chennai, India
  • Hyderabad, India
  • Kochi, India
  • Kolkata, India
  • Mangalore, India
  • Mumbai, India
  • Pune, India, India