Timothy S. Wachter, Shareholder, is an appointed Commissioner and Executive Committee Member of America 250PA.
America250PA, or the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial, “was established by the legislature and Governor in 2018 to plan, encourage, develop and coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States, Pennsylvania’s integral role in that event, and the impact of its people on the nation’s past, present, and future.”
One of the Commission’s first initiatives is to ensure every veteran’s grave in Pennsylvania has an American Flag (made in the USA) placed on it in 2026.
Another is the Keystone Classroom Initiative, with the goal of meeting with and informing 50,000 Pennsylvania students between now and 2026. Tim is conducting one of the first visits to a local Erie elementary school on Thursday, February 8, 2023.
Of his involvement, Mr. Wachter said: “Pennsylvania is the cradle of liberty in America and the birthplace of our nation. It is a great honor to help plan our celebration of the 250th anniversary of America’s founding by highlighting the people of Pennsylvania, our common history, milestones and achievements. It is most exciting, however, to work with people from throughout the Commonwealth to make this celebration uniquely Pennsylvanian.”
More information: https://www.kmgslaw.com/news/timothy-wachter-appointed-commissioner-of-america-250pa and https://www.kmgslaw.com/news/lincoln-elementary-selected-for-keystone-classroom-visit-with-tim-wachter
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