Winners, Baker & McKenzie Fenxun and Morgan Lewis & Bockius Facilitate Legal Training Webinar for Members of American Chamber of Commerce in China

On March 11th and 12th , sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce in China (“AmCham China”) , Winners Law Firm joined hands with two international law firms, Baker & McKenzie and Morgan Lewis, to conduct two sessions of legal training webinars for AmCham China members on Commercial Contracts and Employment & Work Safty. The online legal training and consultation was aiming at supporting members to deal with legal challenges encountered during COVID-19 epidemic outbreak, and to resume the work as soon as possible.

On the afternoon of the 11th , Winners senior associate, as well as the Tianjin Outstanding Foreign Business Lawyer, Ms. Mary Chen with Partner of Baker & McKenzie FenXun presented the legal issues related to commercial contract and financing caused by the coronavirus epidemic, focusing on force majeure components and procedures and conditions for China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (“CCPIT”) to issue a Force Majeure Certificate for an affected contract party. On the afternoon of the 12th , Mr. Soloon Wang from Winners, who has many years of overseas work experience, joined the panel with Managing Partner of Morgan Lewis & Bockius, discussing the legal points regarding the labor law and work safety to help members better respond to COVID-19 outbreak and government orders.

The two training sessions has attracted more than 60 online audiences and sparked very interactive discussion. After the webinar, the AmCham China spoke highly of the speakers, “The content of the lecture is very practical…” “You can see the lawyers are very attentive through the PPT they prepared…” The attendee of the first session from US Embassy even emailed to express the training is very helpful to her for a clearer understanding of force majeure, “I especially liked Mary’s presentation with the case examples she used…” said in her email.

The American Chamber of Commerce also edited the lawyers’ lectures and posted them to members on WeChat.


2020年3月11日、12日,金诺律师事务所在美国商会的组织下,与两家国际律师事务所贝克-麦坚时和摩根-路易斯联手,为美商会的全国会员进行了两场全英文的在线法律培训和咨询,为美商会企业处理疫情遇到的法律问题,尽快合法复工复产提供法律支持。11日下午,金诺派出2019年度优秀涉外律师陈怡与Baker&McKenzie 的律师共同分享了疫情引发的商事合同与金融相关法律问题(Legal Advice on Responding to COVID-19: Commercial Contracts),重点介绍了不可抗力的构成要件以及中国贸促会为企业出具不可抗力证明的程序和条件;12日下午,有多年海外工作经验的王君予律师与Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP的律师分享了与疫情相关的劳动法与安全生产法律问题(Advice on Responding to COVID-19: Employment and Work Safety)。两场培训,在线听众达到60多人。会后,美商会对于金诺两位律师给予了高度评价:“讲的内容非常实用 …… 两位律师在前期准备阶段做的PPT就能看得出来,非常用心”,更有美国大使馆发来信息说培训内容非常实用,听了两位律师的讲解对不可抗力有了更清楚的理解,尤其喜欢陈怡律师列举的各种案例”。美商会也将律师们的演讲编辑成微信公号发布给会员。

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