
Firm Overview
BBH, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o. (BBH) is a prominent Czech law firm with an international presence and holds a unique position on the Czech legal market in the finance and banking area. The BBH team is a long-standing provider of legal consultancy to the leading domestic and international financial and corporate institutions, including the Czech National Bank, PPF bank, Airbank, Equa bank, J&T bank, Raiffeisenbank, PPF group, J&T group, the Energy and Industrial Holding (EPH) group, the Ceska Pojistovna group, the Home Credit group and many other clients of BBH.
The firm has long been one of the leading law firms in the area of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in the Czech Republic.
BBH has strong presence on the Czech legal market in dispute resolution. BBH dispute resolution team provided counsel to top domestic clients in numerous sophisticated and highly sensitive cases, both in civil court proceedings and in international and domestic arbitration.BBH currently represents clients in several international arbitrations worth over 860 mil. EUR, including ad hoc arbitrations under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, arbitrations before the Arbitration Court of the Economic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic, the International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna and the Zurich Chamber of Commerce.
The BBH Real Estate Department has a strong reputation in its long-standing provision of legal counsel to both Czech and foreign clients. BBH’s lawyers have taken part in a number of best-in-category transactions connected with sale and purchase of real estate, the establishment of joint-ventures focused on investment into real estate, projects involving the construction of shopping malls and other commercial real estate properties.